I made this cute little plate for my mom for Mother’s Day. Super simple but I think it was a hit. I made a stencil with my Silhouette, vinyl and transfer paper and used etching cream to etch the glass plate. My mom is the “M” at the bottom of the tree and the initials of her “kids” are in the branches. My husband is an honorary “kid” and of course we couldn’t leave off Clyde and Finn- her grand kids.
Have you used the transfer paper with the vinyl? I was like, what is this roll of white stuff? Then I tried it and it really helps. With a plate like this you have to etch the back of the plate, therefore you need to mirror the image. Also, this is my second time with etching cream (first project here) and just a tip, the bottle says leave it on for 10 mins, I did 30… last time I thought it was too light.
Happy Mother’s Day Mom! xoxo
xNTA says
I’m a HUGE fan of etching cream. I went on a rampage at one point and nearly etched everything. Oy. Loved this though :)
Have a great one! x http://xNTA.blogspot.com/
Randi~Dukes and Duchesses says
That’s really sweet! What a fun idea and it turned out beautifully.
Kim @ NewlyWoodwards says
This is adorable! I’m stopping over from Serenity Now!
I’m such a weenie, I have a bottle of etching creme and just never had the nerve to use it. I have crafting anxiety sometimes. =)
Rebecca says
I love this. =] I need to look into the Cricut software.
crearescout says
Very cute, I must try that cream :)
Tara says
Where did you buy the vinyl?
Taylor says
I got this from silhouetteamerica.com but I have also purchased from printonit.com
Dani Marie says
I just wanted to let you know I included this in my 2011 Ultimate DIY Gift Guide (101 tutorials/recipes)! :) http://danimariedesigns.blogspot.com/2011/10/2011-ultimate-diy-gift-guide.html
Yannie says
my sisters are throwing glasses that used to have candles. You’re giving me idea on what to do with those glasses.
Erikka Knight says
Would you be willing to make this and sell, if so what would you charge with shipping to Alabama???
Taylor says
Hey Erikka, email me for more info :) taylor.taylormade@gmail.com
Pocketful Of Dreams says
Very,very cool idea! I am dying to try glass etching, and I love my Silhouette!
Open says
I used this paste to make custom wine fletus for my wedding. Instead of contact paper I lightly colored on a piece of plain paper with a crayon and covered it with wide masking tape. Then I put it in my printer and printed my text and design onto it. I peeled the tape off and stuck it on the wine fletus and cut out the letters and design with an Xacto knife. Then used the etching paste. They came out great and I didn’t have to spend a fortune for professional ones!
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