Another Baby Quilt in the books :) I love making teeny tiny baby quilts, they are quick and easy and I don’t have time to get sick of them haha! I have a group of high school girlfriends that I have talked about here on the blog. We call ourselves the coyotes, which we made up when we were 14 so don’t judge… but one of the coyotes is having a baby and all coyote babies deserve quilts.
I was online looking for fabric and then came across the most perfect fabric that has ever been created for a coyote quilt ever!! COYOTES! Cotton and Steel to the rescue!
I got a charm pack of the Cotton and Steel Mesa line then I ordered extra coyote fabric and used five solid colors for the rest of the squares. It’s so super easy… I just cut 5.5″ squares and used 1.5 yds for the back.
We don’t know if it’s a boy or a girl so I went with pink binding and a navy backing. I also went with my typical machine binding :) Hopefully coyote baby #7 loves it!! says
Hey, that’s the greatest! So with ll this brain power AWHFY?
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Brock says
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