For almost two years now, the playroom was all about the boys! It’s been filled with super heroes, trucks and legos. It is still filled with all of those things but now we have a 7 month old baby girl who is making her way in there. The playroom is starting to see things that are pink :) We all love it but I wanted to give the room a little facelift! Now we have our new and improved Boy and Girl Playroom.
This room is one of our bedrooms that shares a bathroom with another room. Instead of the boys having their own rooms, they share a bedroom and then it leaves more room for toys in here :) It works out great right now because they are 4 and 5 so they love sleeping together.
The room was mainly red before but things were getting old and ruined, which seems to be what boys do to things :) Also our toy storage was a big problem because it didn’t exist. So the room always looked like this…
With a little organizing, some paint and a trip to IKEA, now it looks like this :)
I went with the Kallax 4×4 shelving unit from Ikea because I have the 5×5 in my Craftroom and I love it. I also Bought enough boxes to fill half of the squares then filled the other squares with toys and games. I used some fabric scraps and ruffled them then used hot glue to dress up the boxes a little. Then I used my silhouette to label each box. And yes I still have the VHS TV in there for their viewing pleasure :) I cant bring myself to throw away all of our Disney moves.
My oldest son helped me make the felt triangle bunting to go around the window, the curtains are white so I wanted a little pop. We also took down the little workbench because they were getting too old for it and I replaced it with the chalkboard/dry erase easel and a basket of our preschool stuff.
I changed the slipcover to a green one so I gave the play market a little facelift too.
Then my youngest son helped me repaint our Play Kitchen. It was scratched and dirty so we (not very perfectly) painted it aqua to match the blues and greens in the room. Don’t look too closely but while we were painting my son said “Mom… painting is BERY FUN!” :) I also added a new window pic, some curtains, a bunting and some fun paper jars. Hopefully little miss will love this as much as my boys did!
So far, its been way more picked up. I try to remind them to only take down one box at a time so that rule helps! Also because this is a bedroom, there is a nice sized closet that holds books, board games, costumes, trucks and those lovely VHS tapes.
In my perfect world we could tear up this carpet and have hardwoods but my husband says legos are more cozy on carpet ;) Let me know in the comments if you have any questions about anything!
Ashley says
I love it! The play kitchen is perfect! Once my little one grows up a bit I think we’ll have to tackle making one of those.
Nander says
I cannot wait to see what you carete! We once had a house with the main portion was dedicated to play, while on the side was a little crafty area for me. That worked really well. In fact, I wish I still had that set up! says
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