Happy Thursday… My girl is here and she is two weeks old today! I have shared pictures via Instagram (taylormadeblog for your dose of baby cuteness).
I posted about my Onesie Refashion a few years ago when my friend had a baby. Just a few weeks ago I made some for my girl so I thought I would share. You can head to THIS POST for more pictures and info but these are super simple!
All I did was iron some Wonder Under to the back side of fabric and cut it out into a shape I like. Then I peeled the backside of the Wonder Under off, and ironed the shape to the onesie. Then I sewed around the perimeter of the shape. I like the messy look and as you washed it it will get even more frayed which I like.
If you do a bib style shape then make sure the curve of the neck matches the curve of the onesie. Don’t forget to sew around that too.
These would make a super cute gift set.. but I’m keeping these :) Actually the light pink one is what we brought her home in!
Happy Sewing!
Chrissy says
Adorable!! And Hooray for easy last minute baby projects, right? I know I get all of these grand ideas that I want to do when I’m pregnant but then the reality is more like, “Nahhh… I just want to take a nap.”
Paula C. says
so sweet… your recreations are very nice, thanks for your idea!
Blair says
Adorbs! Just wondering what the fabric on the second one is, with the flowers and bugs and bees – I’ve been looking for something like this!
Berat says
Would you be willing to share your Ready to pop label teamtple? I have looked everywhere and yours is the best I have seen!Best regards, Jennifer
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