Remember last year when I hosted the first DIY Ornament Party? Well, my friends (the coyotes) had so much fun they insisted on round two ;)
I kept it simple like last year. I made an appetizer and I asked each girl to bring one too. I also made a dessert and had wine. We meet once a month and we usually have a meal but for this, it’s easier to just have snacks since there is crafting to be done!
For the ornaments I got a pack of clear glass bulbs. Then I set out a bunch of different paint colors and some paint brushes and sponges. At each spot I placed a few paper towels, some water and I used a plastic Tupperware lid for our paint palettes.
Some of us painted on the outside and some on the inside. I did the “squeeze paint into the ornament” method.
They all turned out so pretty and obviously we had fun too!
After they dried overnight I wrote the year on the outside with sharpie. This is what I ended up with…
So, has anyone hosted a make your own ornament party? I am going to need some more ideas as I see this is becoming an annual thing :)
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